Prayer Works!!!

Lededra D • Hey, I am 26 years of age. Me and my better half have being trying to Concieve for 6 years. Hopefully we'll be able to get our little blessing.

Y'all I know we are told often to pray about things and we don't always get the desired results. But I thank God that it is not the case for me. Last year and the previous years my marriage was in shambles. My husband was proclaiming to be Christian but was not living it. He was angry about most things to do with God, and often would take it out on me because I stood strongly on the word of God. He was verbally abusive, emotionally abusive and sometimes even physically. But on December 30 I saw my husband slain in the spirit by the Holy Ghost. I've seen him take a interest in reading the bible. He's begun to lead us in prayer. He's even had bible study with me. He hasn't be littled me or attacked me in so long. Nor has he shown signs that he might. I've seen God do the impossible in my husband. I give all praises to my God. I thank Jesus for what he has done.