Long distance relationship


Not really looking for advice just want to ramble. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 18 months or so. When we first started dating we were together all the time and we talked about getting married. He has changed jobs and he moved so now we are basically in a long distance relationship. He does his best to come see us when he can. I feel like we never see each other... maybe once a month and he will be here on holidays. I love him but I’m so lonely. I miss him and I just miss being with someone period. He loves to talk on the phone but I really dont. I’m a physical person and I want affection. Like I said I love him and I’d love to be his wife but he doesn’t really even talk about us getting married anymore. He only talks about vaping and his friends. I don’t know if we should stay together. I feel like I’m nagging him. Is anyone else in a long distance relationship??