πŸ’— Girl or boy πŸ’™ ???

πŸ’•πŸ™ˆπŸŒ·miss.WelchπŸŒ·πŸ™ˆπŸ’• β€’ πŸ€ 11/29/12 β€’ 2/22/16 πŸŽ€
16 weeks 6 days I was told it looked like A girl but they are uncertain because it still may be too early .. But at my primary doctor they said in measuring 15 weeks and they gave me A new due date of February 22nd 2016 .. At first my due date was February 9th .... I'm very confused πŸ˜• but I most definitely think that this is a girl !!! Heart rate is always 167 btw so what do you guys think ???Β