Period problems

C 🖤

My periods have been all over the place since having my son. They started again about a year ago and it seems like my body is *trying* to be be regular but isn't quite there. I used to start on/around the 10th of the month before getting pregnant and it seems like now the 25th of the month is when I should come on, but some months I'll start bleeding on the 10th and then spot later in the month or vise versa, or I'll have two mini periods at both dates, or no period one month with a really super heavy one the next month.

They are much much heavier than before and I am in agony every time with cramps. About half of the time I also get yeast infection type symptoms before and after my period and/or flu like symptoms for a week or so before, and about a third of the time I get severe migraines and nausea/vomitting.

I've been keeping a diary to try and make sense of everything, to see if certain foods, drinks, exercise levels, sleep levels, etc have an effect but I can't see any pattern.

Has anyone had anything similar?

Is my body still adjusting or could there be something else causing this?

And finally, are there any birth control options that might help? I've been avoiding anything hormone based but am willing to try pretty much anything if it'll help right now.

Thanks 🙏