Does anyone know what this is?

I’m 16, sexually active, and am on the oral contraceptive pill. I just was shaving my lady bits and noticed a lump here:

The only thing I was told to look out for While taking the pill was swelling in my legs due to blood clots so I don’t think the lump is from hormonal birth control. I’ve never had one before it doesn’t ache, it’s not a pimple or ingrown because it’s too big and doesn’t have a head. It just feels like a clump of like dried silicon under my skin sorry idk how else to describe it.

Should I be worrying or will it go by itself?

Instead of trynna send a photo to everyone in the comments I’ll just try show where it is here. I looked on google at where lymph nodes are and I can’t tell if my lump is in the same spot

The lymph nodes look higher up here, my lump is under the hard bit when you spread your legs maybe a tendon or something? Sorry I’m not too sure