Should I tell him?


Im only 16 years old. I got this app just to track my period. But also, I really like that fact that it says when I’m ovulating or not because the boyfriend I have now, we’re planning on eventually taking each other’s virginities. But honestly, I’m ready for it and I know he’s not yet, but I feel like it’s kinda making me more anxious in a way? Idk. Reading that makes me sound like a bitch. I’m not pressuring him in any way, I’m letting him come to me when he’s ready. But like, my anxiety (I’ve struggled with severe anxiety for years) and overthinking are like “well what if he just doesn’t think of you as that sexy and that’s why he’s not ready yet?” “will he ever really be ready?” Which almost makes me want to get it over with so that it can just happen already so these feelings can go away. Should I tell him I’ve been feeling this way? I’m just scared it’s going to pressure him into feeling like he has to

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