Questions ladiessss has anyone experienced this?


So Jan 18th I took a home pregnancy test and it was a BP yesss finally BUT on Jan 22nd I notice I was spotting & the following day it started to increase but I wasn’t overflowing any pads it was just the blood was red I went to the er to make sure I wasn’t having a MC, the doctor told me most likely I am having one but I was never in any pain no cramps no back pains nothing as days went by when I would pee I would bleed some and on the tissue. Today I woke up and barely any spotting when I wipe is very faint and brown could I may still be pregnant & my baby just scared the crap out of me these past 4 days? I took a digital test just now & it still says yes I get my hgc levels results on Monday and I’m hoping and praying that levels went up when I went to the ER my levels were a 30. Any ever experience this ?