I am a terrible mom

Chandrea • mom of 2 sour patch kids 🥰💖💖

Since my husband had Been laid off ( recently found a new job) our son has been hanging out with daddy, spending as much time with him before he starts work again. ( he starts next week, I even have an interview next monday) but lately with me I feel like he doesn't want to be around me, or barely wants to do anything with me. Today he grab my snickers and was like oooo, I said give it here so I can open it for you . He tries to take a bite through the wrapper, I said no no no, give it here so I can open it. So I took it from him, and he started yelling I said in a a calming voice let me open it, you can't eat the paper. He was just yelling and screaming, I got frustrated.... I feel like when this happens maybe I should have never had kids, ( we have a daughter she's 4months old) I get on the floor with the both of them, I try to give each my attention. I feel like when he acts like this towards me and it gets worse because I get frustrated... I don't know what to do...

He screams, he throws things even when he gets a talking to or a swat on his bottom he laughs. Normally it would be me and the kids while hubby went to work.

Time outs don't help he just gets up or screams, til he makes himself sick. Mommas I don't know what to do. He'll be 2 in April. Has anyone been through this? I feel like a failure , i am a failure. Sorry this is extremely long.