Ive got a test

But I am honestly terrified of it coming back negative.

Since 6DPO I've been having dull stomach cramps and backaches and my cervix has been really high, soft and closed.

(TMI Portion) Starting around 8DPO the cramps were almost gone but only came back when I would have sex, and only when I had sex on my back or bent over. Cervix still high soft and closed.

Woke up today at 9dpo with my boobs tender but it comes and goes. I'm also extremely gassy, extremely Moody and irritable and I'll feel like I'm starving but the moment I go to eat I can't do it. I've been feeling nauseous on and off as well and it's not like a strong wave of nausea, it's like really subtle. My cervix is still high soft and closed and im having dull backaches and cramps on and off again.

I never have anything like this, this early. It usually starts the night before I wake up on my period.

Anyone had anything like this and got their bfp?