Am I wrong for wanting him to treat me like a queen?


I always read online quotes about being a Queen. Quotes like:

~ Treating your woman like a queen is not called being "whipped". It's called being a man. ~

~ A real woman can do it all by herself but a real man wouldn't let her. ~

~ If you can't treat her like a queen, let somebody else do it. ~

Or better yet, the attached text!!

4 months ago, I left a 5 year relationship because after giving a lot of my energy, I felt like I wasn't getting what I needed out of it. Then I started seeing this great guy. We've been together officially for 2 months now. I always think of how I could make him happier, surprise him, how I can seduce him.. He loves it. Who wouldn't? It's not exactly the same way around.

I feel like he should be in awe with me, trying to surprise me and make me happy. When I talk to him about it, of the things I do for him and give him examples, he says he shows me he loves me in a different way.

I feel like I should be pampered, I feel like he should go out of his way to show me how much he cares about me. I feel I freaking deserve it!

Am I wrong for wanting him to treat me like a queen?