

I’m so sick of my mother and MIL and coworkers telling me what I do and don’t need, what I do and don’t need to do and what will and won’t happen!!! Every pregnancy is different and it’s been 20+ years since they have been pregnant! I’m gonna take every precaution and prepare how I want to. This is my pregnancy not yours. Like thank you for the advice, I know you mean well but I’ve already got the padcicles made—so no need for your “oh you won’t need those, i tougher it out so can you” bullshit. Also if I ask you to go to a grandparents class quit complaining to me about it! I asked you to go so you can be a part of all of this and so I know you know all the new advice that has reduced risks of SIDS ! Again 20+ years has brought a lot of new things!!! I know you have been through it and your kids have lived but seriously just hear me out or stop giving me your advice. Ugh

Not sure if any of that made sense. But 38 weeks today and ready to be done!! Thanks for listening :)