Not telling anyone when baby is born..?

So, my husband and I have had quite the falling out with both sides of our family. Both for completely different reasons, but anyways it’s ultimately keeping our stress down by not having them around. My family doesn’t even know I’m pregnant at 30 week, and his does. The falling out with his family has officially collapsed very recently. ANYWAYS, we’ve been talking about just not telling anyone when I go into labor or give birth. Even before we had the falling out it didn’t seem like we had any support or anyone there for us like we tried to be for them. It’ll be harder on us because he will have to miss bonding in the hospital and helping me because of our toddler, but it just seems like that’s what we have to do.

Has anyone ever done anything like this? If you did, how’d it work out for you? If you hadn’t done this, but had this done to you, how did you feel about the situation?