Cluster feeding question (bf)


This is kind of long, sorry.. My 2 and a half week old tends to get really fussy from around 8-11 pm every night. Ive noticed she cluster feeds at this time, but seems to be really uncomfortable after each feeding. I make ALOT of milk (can pump 3 oz in 5 minutes), sometimes she chokes because of my strong letdown. So around that evening period she'll nurse for like 10 minutes on one side which is always enough for her during the day and in the middle of the night. Then she starts acting really fussy and gassy. So i try and help her get comfortable but she'll start rooting around, so i offer her a binky because i dont want to overfeed her if shes just trying to comfort nurse because of gas pains. But she'll start to do her hunger scream so i feed her again, this is about a half hour after the first feed. By the time shes done, her belly looks so full and she just seems so uncomfortable and she grunts and strains so hard she starts crying sometimes. I try burping her in like every position and bounce her and rock and everything you could think of but the poor thing cannot get comfortable for hours. I guess my question is is this normal? Is there any way to help her gassiness? I already lay down when feeding her to help with swallowing too much air, i burp her in every position, ive cut out dairy and dont eat gas causing veggies or beans, ive tried pinching my nipple when feeding her to slow the flow, and unlatched her after letdown to let the flow slow down a little before relatching. I feel like ive tried everything, which makes me kind of think its not gas? But i have no idea what else it could be. Any ideas/suggestions would be much appreciated, i feel so bad that shes so uncomfortable!