Do you ever fear your abusive ex will find you in the future and hurt you?


When I finally was free from him, it wasn't my choice. The Universe finally gave me what I asked for but I was so blinded that when his psychotic break happened I was trying to stay. We stopped talking for 2 weeks and started hanging again. Then time went on and I've realized I'm done, I got what I asked for, he was terrible. As I'm healing, I've started having a fear that me not responding and cutting him off will piss him off. Idk if he's still on his schizophrenia meds but I'm hoping he will fuck many other females or heal himself and forget about me. But I'm truly worried in the future he'll find me or he'll randomly show up. His abuse wasn't physical even when he had his schizophrenic break but more emotional and punching walls and paranoia. Does anyone else fear this as you heal and get farther away from your abusive relationship you've once had

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