Need to vent about sister. Am in being selfish?

I’ll keep it as short as possible. My first son is now 2 1/2. Right before he was born my younger sister was checked into a psych facility for having suicidal thoughts. My mom and my dad both missed my baby shower because they were visiting her in the hospital. I cried throughout my baby shower as it was supposed to be a special day for me and they were with her. I know I sound shellfish.

Fast forward almost 3 years later and I’m about to have my second baby in 3 weeks. Now my sister is starting in a downward spiral again super depressed doesn’t come out of her room. She’s 23 no job not going to school living at home. I find out a week ago that she’s mad at me because I didn’t visit her in the hospital more while she was in. 3 years ago and she brings this up now! I tell her I was pregnant, going to school full time and working full time midnights and I had to do what was best for my pregnancy. I visited her twice and went with my mom to pick her up when she was released. She replies with well that wasn’t enough and I don’t know what to say to you.

I feel like she’s doing all this for attention because I was getting all the attention. Now that I’m about to have another baby she’s staring up again and even bringing up the past firm 3 years ago. I txt her last week and said life is to short to be sitting in a dark basement all day. You need to get out and get out of this funk. She never responded. I told my parents we are no longer coming over to the house because we don’t want my son around such a negative depressed person. She completely ignores my son even when he asked her to play with him.

Am I being shellfish? I feel like she’s doing this for attention. I need everyones thoughts!