A Whole New World

Sarah • 👧🏼 8/2020, 🤰6/2024

Hi everyone! Brand newbie here. My husband and I just decided to start TTC. I wanted to take a few months to prepare- stop birth control and experience a few "natural" cycles, start prenatals, strengthen my core (and overall fitness), drink more water, etc. (Anyone else do that?)

It's been one month with two more to go on our planned schedule (thinking April is go time but now don't know if I can handle the anticipation!). Besides preparing, there are some house projects in the spring I want to be a part of, and not sure how well I would feel if in early pregnancy (or how much yard remodeling I should be doing)!

I am so excited that research and the TTC/pregnancy topic in general has become an obsession. I'm talking watching videos of women getting their BFP, gender reveals, and even birthing videos. And now here I am on this app at 5:00 in the morning (been up since 4!). I want to talk about it all the time but don't want to annoy all of my not TTC friends!

Anyone else as crazy excited as me? 😄