Cannabis induced Psychosis

Hello everyone! Thought I’d share my story because I know it could really help someone someday...I live in Ontario, Canada where weed has recently become legal. I am a stoner, my fiancé and I use to smoke every day. I say ‘use to’ because he no longer can do to Cannabis psychosis: Cannabis-induced psychosis is a possible side effect of excessive marijuana consumption. In those who face a high risk for someday developing a psychotic disorder, cannabis can act like a trigger, setting off symptoms of psychosis that are usually associated with conditions like schizophrenia. Cannabis-induced psychosis requires rapid medical intervention to stabilize its debilitating symptoms, followed by treatment for cannabis dependency if it that condition is diagnosed by a qualified physician or addiction specialist **

Now, I’m not here to try and convince you to quit smoking weed, I just want to put this out there so you know the dangers it could possibly fiancé has been to the hospital twice for this being in a mental hospital for weeks at a time and honestly it’s terrifying. His symptoms included sweaty palms, pale skin, shaking, talking non sense, loss of who he was and where he was, couldn’t make sense of every day life, didn’t know who I was and was experiencing thoughts of suicide. It’s like temporary Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia. Catching it early could really save a life...if I wasn’t around to get him to a hospital he would have rapidly gotten worse and even lost his life. While he was in the hospital there were 8 other patients experiencing the same thing...and this isn’t “bad” weed, it came from our governments website, it can happen through any THC consumption. So please read up on the attached link and know the dangers so you can protect yourself and others. ❤️


Thought I’d put it out there with good intentions because it is becoming more frequent that people are experiencing this, while my fiancé was in the hospital I was able to speak to many doctors and a psychologist on the matter, it’s serious if it happens to you. It’s completely up to you to be ignorant. I’m not attacking anyone or trying to make weed look bad because I still smoke it myself....I’m simply saying this COULD (not saying it will) happen to someone and it’s good to know the dangers. And as I said it was from the government website, tested and is high grade, definitely not crack...just high levels of THC can bring out psychosis in someone who is susceptible to a psychotic break.