Positive birth story


First time mom here and I loved reading everyone’s birth stories especially during those last long weeks (hang in there mamas) so here is mine:

I was due Monday 1/21. The previous week I had been in to see my doctor and they did an ultrasound. I was still 80 percent effaced with zero dilation (which I had been at for weeks) and they felt like my fluid levels were starting to drop. As a result my doc didn’t feel comfortable waiting until 41 weeks to induce. We set an induction date for 1/22 if she didn’t arrive. Well, the 21st arrived and still no baby or any signs she was coming.

Tuesday we went in at 4pm to begin cervidil overnight. While they were doing paperwork and getting things ready I started to have some minor contractions for the first time! They decided to continue as planned with cervidil because I wasn’t dilated at all and the contractions weren’t consistent. The cervidil experience wasn’t pleasant. It started to fall out so they had to reinsert it. Not fun! I did end up having contractions all night but only 1 cm dilated at 8 am so they decided to move forward with the pitocin. One minute after starting it my water broke and insanely painful contractions started. I got an epidural and it was sooooooo amazing to have some relief. Now it was time to wait.

My doctor had thought we would be lucky to have her out by midnight but prepared me for it to take a long time. Well, baby had other plans. Doc came to check me at noon and I was fully dilated. I did 2 practice pushes with the nurse and then the doc was called back down. 20 minutes and a few pushes later I had baby girl in my arms. Minor 2nd degree tear but I didn’t even feel it.

I was so emotional and nervous about being induced but clearly baby was ready to come and maybe just needed a little push. Hope this helps ease another ftm

that might be feeling the same way.

I am so in love with Ms. Nora Grace!