Should the woman help pay for the engagement ring?

A • 22 • engaged💍

Hi ladies, this is something that’s been on my mind lately.

My bf and i are gearing up to get engaged! yes very exciting. however, we both are still in college (graduating in may) which means we don’t have much money.

i started working when i was 15 and have a large savings account from working in high school. my bf doesn’t have that savings but has been saving for the past couple months for my ring.

so here’s my question: would it be inappropriate if i dipped into my savings to help him pay for the ring? i have pretty expensive taste and only plan on giving him a couple hundred dollars.

i just feel like society puts so much stress on men for having to pay for expensive rings when the couple as a UNIT is getting engaged, not just the woman. maybe it’s the feminist in me, but i just feel like helping out. thoughts?

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