Second delivery entirely different!


With my first, we had an induction scheduled, reluctantly, because of going past the due date. Thankfully labor started the evening before and he was delivered the next morning at 40w6d. All natural and no interventions although I had a second degree tear. Our second son was born January 17th and he was only 37w3d. It started on January 16th, my birthday, at 330, with my water trickling. Went in that evening to confirm and was admitted. Tried to get contractions going, but after 12 hours, decided to start a very low dose of pitocin. I decided this route to avoid a c section in the end because I knew the clock started ticking when my water broke. After 3 hours we had regular contractions and 9 hours later he was born, almost exactly 24 hours after my water broke. Thankfully no further intervention and all natural, with only a first degree tear. Both boys were very close in size, the first 7 lbs 8 oz, the second 7 lbs 5 oz.