Pregnancy while over weight and on a weight loss journey


So I've had quite the journey the past few years. It took me and my SO 3 years of trying to get pregnant with our twins that are now 14 months. And I was heavier set to begin with. Then once I lost my dad this past July in 2018, I began a weight loss journey to get in better health but so I can try to avoid all the health issues my dad had so i could live a long life for my kids.

I'm the weight loss journey I found out I was pregnant a few days after my twins turned one. I weighed 300 pounds. I was shocked and at loss of words, before I would think about having another baby I wanted to be healthier, but I would do everything for my baby and do what it takes to have a healthy baby. I developed gestational diabetes at 12 weeks well was diagnosed at 12 weeks, it's a hard struggle but worth it for my baby I'm currently 13 weeks and 3 days pregnant.