To keep swaddling?

Bridget • Wifey/Boymom x 2/Nurse

Just purchased the Takingcarababies newborn sleep class (only on 2nd video)

My breastfed baby sleeps “decent,” for naps and night...I sometimes get a 5 hour stretch at night...naps are usually 1-2 hours (sometimes He wakes up and I have to soothe again)

We swaddle with arms up. This AM I swaddled with arms down and he napped for 30 min and then fussed and wouldn’t settle back down. Was this a success and keep trying or should I just keep him swaddled with arms up since it “seems to be working well?”

(Yesterday and today he hasn’t been napping well either way! 😫)

FYI: He’s 5 weeks old