Implantation possibly?


So, I started this spotting or “bleeding” 4 days ago. My actual period was not due until today. When I first noticed it, I had dried brown discharge in my underwear, and a little bit of pink on tissue when I wiped. So I put a liner on, went on about my day.

When I got home from work, I checked and I had only a dot of brownish pinkish blood and pink when I wiped.

Next morning, nothing when I woke up. Took a pregnancy test and it was negative. This spotting/bleeding continued and I wore a pad all day and by the end of my work day I had very small amount of pinkish brown blood on the bad and light pink when I wiped. Through out the day instead of feeling normal cramps like I would during the start of my period, I felt more of a tugging and pulling sensation down there rather than painful pinches like normal.

The next two days, hardly anything again, the tugging and pulling again, and lower back aches, and more of brown colored blood and hardly anything when I wiped.

All last night, I was getting up and down to pee, and all day today barely anything when I wipe and still have brown blood. Just curious if this is indeed implantation or not.

( I wear pads instead of liners, more convenient)

Also, all this week I have been having CRAZY scary dreams that I can’t really explain, and I haven’t been able to sleep a full nights rest but I’m dragging all day at work.

Please tell me everything you know :)