My friends text me

mooboo • Snapchat is moobooboo2346

I am so heartbroken my friends said I heard you are pregnant you are a slut and a hoe you ruined your fucking life we don’t want to know you no more

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Posted at
So much drama in your life.... Get rid of those toxic people!


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They are not you’re friends and they are the slags


mooboo • Jan 27, 2019
Most of them are slags


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Than those weren't really your friends , dont let what anyone tell you define you . You're not a hoe , whore ECT .This just goes to show that its better they showed their true colors now than later , Do you and don't stress yourself boo . I'm 22 and Mother 3 ( currently prego with baby #3 ) & I am doing good and going about my self with no friends . 😊 Ill be your friend 👋


Su • Jan 31, 2019
I don’t have friends I kicked them out of my life because they only used me for a place to stay, clothes cooked meals and money than when I needed them they was no where to be seen, just remember look out for you’re self and you’re baby because no one else will! Friends will be too faced because they love to gossip and slag people off because they aren’t happy, even people I work with aren’t my friends they are just colleagues because a friend wouldn’t gossip and slag you off or gossip about other people to you because you know if they are doing that to other people to you than they are definitely gossiping about you to other people, my best friends are my son, my partner and my French bulldog that’s all I need


Bri • Jan 27, 2019
That's crazy , well if you stick around here . ill be here


mooboo • Jan 27, 2019
Oh I can’t chat on here I have to be on here for a month


Posted at
Then you should text them back;
Then you should text them back;Then you should text them back;


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Sounds like you need to kick those supposed “friends” out of your life.


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They obviously aren’t your friends. You can’t lose what you never had! Don’t let them get u down, pregnancy is a beautiful thing, and I can almost guarantee that 75% of pregnancies aren’t I must b a hoe too!!!


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Your friends are assholes. Dont listen to them. I was 16 when i hadmy first daughter alont of my friends walked out of mylife and i was perfectly ok with it because they weren't good friends any way!!!