Am I producing too much or is this normal?


I’m 6 days PP now. When LO is feeding on one breast, I’ve been dripping on the other one so I began catching it in a haakaa/nature bond and pouring it in a storage container. All throughout yesterday I’ve been just adding it (once it gets to the same temp) and all of it was about 10oz.

This was just to test waters we didn’t intend on storing this properly off he bat so we dumped it this morning :(

Over the course of the night through early this morning, I decided to just let him feed while the other one without catching the other drippage, just let nursing pad soak it up lol and by 10am my boobs were so engorged they felt like bowling ball lol

Ive been just dripping about 1.5 oz every feeding. Without pumping or any hand expression. Is this too much or is this normal? What do you guys recommend I do? Pump? But if I pump wouldn’t I just produce more?

He’s on about 10 feedings a day on average. Each about 20-40 mins.