Scared of infertility

This hasn’t been a thought before, until here recently.. my boyfriend and I have discussed starting a family within the next couple of years, and I’ve become terrified.. not of starting one, but of not being able too... I’m almost 18, and there’s been multiple times where we don’t use contraceptives (about 10-20 times I would guess), I know it’s stupid, but this has caused me to be so scared of the chances. My mom is very fertile (5 kids, 2 while on birth control) my grandma has 3 children, her mom has 3 children, and so on, so infertility hasn’t been an issue through the women on my side, and his dad has three kids, his brother has children, and his grandpa has a handful, so it doesn’t seem to be a issue with the men on his side... I guess I just needed to vent and express the fear, because I know how much we want this family, and it’s so scary that it could possibly never happen... I never thought about it but now that we’re talking about it more and more, it’s just so concerning.