Is it normal to bleed this much?

After a few visits I found out at the ER 2 days ago that I have “a complex hemorrhagic ovarian cyst” 4.7cm in diameter.

I do have PCOS, but ever since I started taking progesterone 7 years ago my period cycle became normal and I would very rarely spot between periods.

This past month I was having a lot of symptoms that brought me to the ER three times: intense uterine and pelvic pain, back pain, pain when sneezing, exercising, pooping, bloating, fecal impaction/constipation/colitis, diarrhea, fever/chills, dizziness, headache, pain in breasts, visible bright blue veins on chest and breasts... the pain would get really severe at times.

The first trip they said I had colitis and treated me for the pain. The second they said it was just constipation again and gave me laxatives/stool softeners.

Fast forward 2 weeks and I’m still in pain. I had decided this had to have something more than constipation to it, so this time when I went in I concentrated solely on the lower stomach and pelvic pain.

That’s when they found the cyst. They sent me home with painkillers.

I had been spotting lightly for 2 days leading up to that, but now yesterday and today, it’s been extremely heavy. Heaviest bleeding I’ve had since I started menstruating and found out why I didn’t stop bleeding for months at a time and then wouldn’t have any bleeding for months.

I’m also having very painful cramps.

It’s the 15th day of my cycle, so I’m attributing this to the cyst...but should I be worried this feels like a heavy period? Could I have just started early even though for the past 7 years I needed to take the progesterone to start my cycle? I’ve never experienced this before-please help!