Need advice...


How do you leave someone you have a baby with, a home with and an entire life with?

I’m so unhappy in our relationship, and every time I tell him I’m leaving I get scared and run back to him.

There is so much history between us and he has made me lose trust for him.

His ex told me he had been messaging her, flirting, asking to meet for old time sakes and sending half naked pictures, but he said he was messaging her to get proof of this apparent abortion she had (his baby).

He then a few months later went to her house. He says it was to tell her to leave us alone. She said he came roundto say he wasn’t ready to be a father (I was pregnant at the time) and didn’t want ‘my’ baby. She said he tried to kiss her.

I also found out he had be speaking to a girl 5 months ago. They both had the same story which was they were talking about me and he was confusing in her because I had left him. But they met... wait for it... on a FETISH website!!

He lies so often but he always says he hides he truth so I don’t get hurt.

Do you believe he’s lying? Is his ex telling the truth? 😭😭

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