Additionally ( Cervical Mucus ) [ Opinions needed ]


I've shared alot of information in previous post. I don't feel like explaining it all over again or each time but all my test have been Negative this cycle except for a blue dye that everyone thought was positive.

First response says Neg at this point.

I'm 12/13dpo today. AF due tomorrow but I had some cervical mucus this morning. It was white, stretching and thickish. No odor. I'm sorry TMI. I just don't feel comfortable posting photo..No offense to anyone that has or does.. but is this normal before AF? I've never in all my years had this.. some say it can be early pregnancy.. I'm here again confused even with a negative test at 12/13 dpo.

This month is really trying me out....🤔😩

Thanks in advance!

P.s. I had positive OPKs on January 14th and 15th. I assume it happened between the 15th & 16th so I'm around 11-13dpo.