Unexplained bleeding?

Hello. I've been to the hospital twice for bleeding. The first time there was blood on my underwear and when I wiped but not in the toilet i was 23 weeks and 3 days the next time I went up there was blood in the toilet and when I wiped I was 26 weeks and 3 days and I had some bleeding when wiping a few times in between my two visits. My midwife and OB says they dont know what the blessings from but they can rule out serious causes. 4 days ago I was 28 weeks and had some more bleeding when I peed and wiped and today I had a little discharge with a line of blood in it appear in the toilet after I peed. This is my second pregnancy and I went 6 weeks early with my first tho My water started leaking a week prior to her birth. My mom is worried that what I saw today could be my mucous plug.. could it be ? Or is it something to not worry about like the previous times? My little one is still moving around a bunch and theres no pain. I'm just nervous. First two photos are from my second hospital visit 3rd photo is 4 days ago and last photo is the discharge with a little streak of blood from today...