Late period/tubes tied..STRESSED OUT


So I had my tubes tied 3 years ago after having my 3rd daughter, my husband and I both were happy and agreed we didn't want any more kids. When I had the surgery, she just put clamps on my tubes and she told me that she had accidentally cut a hole in my uterus during the surgery but said it would heal on its own. Well, ever since the surgery my periods are never regular, I'm currently 26 days late. I have so much more pain, the pain starts like a week before and last a week after my period ends. I get stabbing pains in my ovaries, sometimes I can't even walk because it hurts so bad. Sometimes it feels like my ovaries are about to explode. I get this deep ache in my shoulders, sometimes it's just the left side other times it's both, it keeps me up at night it hurts so bad. Plus I've gained about 30lbs too 😒 I've been to one doctor who kinda blew me off saying "oh I don't think having your tubes tied caused this" she didn't do any testing or any ultrasounds. I think the hormonal changes to my body from having my tubes tied is causing these problems. It's just so frustrating, I don't want to live the rest of my life dealing with this every month. I wish I was told about all the negative side effects that could happen before I had the surgery done. I just needed to vent, it's frustrating when no one understands what I'm going through and to just get brushed off by doctors. Has anyone else gone through this??