Partner not excited still 😢


I’ve written on here before that my partner didn’t seem very excited about our baby, (she was planned and much wanted) he never really talked about it unless I did... everyone said it’s because it hasn’t sunk in yet.

But now I’m 29 weeks and I have to really beg him to do anything in the nursery, last weekend he helped build the cot and wardrobe and was in such a bad mood I wanted to do it then.. and painting! He helped do one coat and I ended up doing the rest!

Shopping for baby bits he’s only come with me once and has hardly paid for anything... he puts his hand on my tummy to feel baby kick only when I tell him too and he will feel one and take his hand off.

I just don’t understand we planned this baby and I just feel like he has no interest at all! It’s just getting me down and when I do try and talk about it with him he says he’s tired at the weekend because he’s had a long week working... I work full time and pregnant and still have the excitement to get ready for this baby!!!

Anyone else the same? 😢