URGENT! Please help!

I’m 36+5 weeks.

Since 36 weeks exactly, I’ve had period-type pains. Nothing bad, they were just there.

Now, they hurt quite a bit; are happening more and more, and are now also in my lower back. And I have shooting pains in my vagina.

Not once, at ANY antenatal appointment, have I had my urine checked, so I’m not sure if it could be a UTI or not.

I want to call the labour ward, but they’re 1hr away. It’s 11pm, and I’m a single Mum to a 1 year old who is fast asleep right now. I have no-one to look after him, and no-one to drive me an hour to hospital if they want to see me.

Seeing as it was a public holiday here today, all doctors are booked out until Thursday.

Has anyone had this? What the hell can I do?! 😭

Edit: Still the same here. But I just wanted to let everyone know that I did have a plan, and was so organised, but it failed. My kids’ father was supposed to be taking me to hospital, and my Mom was supposed to watch my 1 year old. But a couple of days before this, the father split up with me and I don’t know where he is, and my Mom left the morning before to attend a funeral a couple of hours away. So, new plan in process. 😰