Cramps SPM or early signs


Hi everyone!

I am new to the GLOW community! I have been with my boyfriend for a year and at the end of October 2017, I got what I believe is a chemical pregnancy. My period were late (my cycle is usually 28 days and doesn’t change much from month to month) so I did tests that came back negatives until one came back positive with a light line. Got some blood test that came back positive but my doctor wanted to wait another week because my hormone level was low for a 14 days pregnancy.... it was 58! Ended up having my period 7 days later. That month I had huge cramps when the period started. They hurt a lot. Since that month, my cycle is back to its usual 28 days but since that month I also notice that a couple of days before my period I get cramps. Last night, I did not sleep well because of those cramps. I didn’t have that before my miscarriage (my doctor says it was too soon to be a miscarriage but since I got a positive test I believe it was a miscarriage). I am wondering if it happened to some of you? I know cramps can happen in the early stages of pregnancy and are not dangerous if there is no blood but I am getting confused about those cramps and what they are. The month after the miscarriage we didn’t TTC but since we have been trying by having sex every two days in my fertility window. Since my cycle is regular my doctor said it is the best way to TTC. I am kinda lost on what are my real SPM symptoms and what could be early pregnancy signs.

This TTC can be confusing!

Thank you!