

So I woke up this morning and took a clear blue digital test but it came back negative as I expected. I then rang the doctors first thing and asked for a call back from my doctor. The doctor rang me back but couldn’t see me till this afternoon and I told her all my symptoms and she asked if I could take a urine sample... so I did. I then went to college and then returned. She thinks I am pregnant as I’ve ovulated twice however we didn’t know if it was too early. So she gave my sample to the treatment room and it tested that I had protein in my urine but she forgot to do the pregnancy test so she did it and it came up negative.

My heart sunk but then I remembered I might be ok as my period is not due yet. I am now at home relaxing and tempted to do another test but I am going to try again tomorrow morning and see what comes up but not with clear blue digital but with clear response as I got a positive with clear response to start with even though it was faint but I feel like clear response will pick up my hcg quicker as it doesn’t require as much hormones. I have also started to get some mad burning sensations in my back and my vagina feels like it’s getting softer and also my hips. I’ve also been getting like heart palpitations in my stomach on the Lower left side and above...