Advice with infertility treatment

So last April I was told my eggs aren’t releasing and I have polycystic ovaries and that I need help with conceiving from my doctor, I then get passed over to my fertility specialist in July.. so we go and we tell her every detail almost get a prescription for clomid until she reads over my notes and sees a heart operation cured. She now has decided to push back the clomid and get these tests done to double check my heart (I’m fine with that obviously health first) I’ve had to wait months and months and months for all these appointments I’m now in January finally everything is done and she’s still waiting for reports??? What do I do.. I know I sound super impatient but I’ve been wanting this so bad for over 2 years now and nothing seems to go forward, I’ve spoken to my specialist about my feelings and nothing can be done.. I just feel like The process is taking longer than needed what can I do..?