For those worried about getting infant ears pierced...

... it was so no big deal and totally nothing to worry about!

For those who don’t like baby ear piercings, or the “haters,” this post is not intended for you, so if you don’t like it, keep it movin’😉

I took my girl in today to get it done, and she is six months old. I kept hearing so much hate online from people, “oh that’s terrible!” And blah blah. Ladies, she literally cried for like 5 seconds and was smiling the next. She was laughing by the time we walked out of the door back to the lobby. She has been absolutely fine since, and she looks darling. I’m so happy with it.

I have a picture of her right after he pierced them and she’s smiling. I’d post but don’t want baby pic on internet.

I hope this post made some of those who are on the fence feel better about it. I repeat: it was SO easy, SO no big deal. Totally worth it.