Trigger Warning - Car Crash

I don’t really know where else to post this but I’m feeling absolutely distraught. My step mom who has taken care of me since I was 4 (I’m now 23) was in a car wreck two days ago. And it’s all her fault. She was drunk driving down a windy road in the dark and hit a car with 3 people in it, 2 of them are in critical condition and she is going in for her second surgery tomorrow. I’m so embarrassed and sad that she would do this. I’m supposed to go see her today but I’m not sure if i should be supporting her. I can’t stop crying. She was supposed to come to my first ultrasound with me today and now I’m in this house she decorated and everything makes me think of her and what she did. I hate this feeling so much. And i feel like shit that she hurt some one else so badly because of her stupid decisions. I don’t know what I’m expecting from this post, I guess I just wanted to talk about it somewhere. She just ruined her life and potentially the lives of 3 other people. What do I even do now?!?!