I just need to vent

Ashley • Happily married, have a wonderful son, and a sweet baby girl 💜

Let me state that my husband is a great man and father. These hormones got me all in a tizzy and I just can't today

I work from home (which as glorious as it is to work in my pjs, it sucks as I get 0 social interaction on a day to day basis except for my almost 2 year old and my husband). I am about 9 weeks along and through the nausea and pure exhaustion I still clean the house during the day (when I take my breaks from the computer) and take care our son when he is home from day care. Now I admit that my husband does most of the cooking as he feels it's his way of helping, but today he was able to get off work early and help with the cleaning (dishes, trash, dinner prep, etc). He then went around telling me how grateful I should be that he did it (even though I had already said thank you). I know I'm being petty but I never get a thanks from him, it's just assumed things will be done. And throw a pregnant lady a bone, when my heads in the toilet offering to help bathe our kid would be great.