Looking for women in a similar boat

Jennifer • Trying for our first. Miscarriages: November 2016, June 2017, August 2017, January 2018, May 2018, April 2019.

I have no children. My husband and I have been trying to conceive since I was 33, and I'm 35 now. I've always been told I should have good fertility since my mom had me at 40, but I've had 5 miscarriages: 2 missed miscarriages (one D&C and one induced with misoprostol) and 3 chemical pregnancies. It's been about 8 months trying to conceive after the last miscarriage with no success. I've tried 3 rounds of Clomid and 2 rounds of Femara with no luck. I've been tested by a reproductive endocrinologist with no definitive reason found for the miscarriages, although there was some suspicision that I might have poor egg quality. I've tried every vitamin and supplement under the sun, have done accupuncture, and have tried progesterone supplementation. My husband and I don't want to go the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> route, especially since they can't tell us with certainty why we're miscarrying. I'm just trying to figure out when we need to call it quits. This has been an exhausting 2 years and we're tired of putting our lives on hold. Just wondering if there are any women who have been in a similar boat and have been successful after all, or who made the decision to stop trying and what the deciding factor was.