Sensitive skin hurts to touch 🤔


So I had my 37 week checkup last week, everything looked good and apparently I’ve been having contractions for a while now but just haven’t noticed 🤷🏻‍♀️ I started having a sharp pain yesterday on the top of my belly that would come and go, wasn’t anything crazy but enough to where I noticed it when it was there and now today it’s constant. Hasn’t really subsided at all and the skin in that area is so sensitive to the touch it’s almost irritating to have a shirt on it 😖 anyone else having this problem or know wtf is happening? FTM and I have 0 idea what’s going on with this whole thing 😂 also how am I supposed to know to go to the hospital if I can’t feel my contractions?! Am I just supposed to wait til my water breaks or what lol I’m due feb 8

I plan on asking my doc my next appointment but that’s not til Wednesday and I’m curious if this means anything or not