My aunt died and I don't seem to care

I'm the emotional one in the family. I feel everything and anything. My aunt just died and I don't seem to care. I think about her a bit, I think about my mum who lost a sister, I think about my cousins who lost a mother, I'm looking at the fb posts, people say sorry for my loss and I'm feeling like there was no loss. I have a sister, I can't comprehend the thought of losing her, I can't understand what my mum's going through.

But yeah ever since I've found out I've been feeling fine. I've experienced the loss of other family members before and normally I cry my eyes out or at least cry a little. I wasn't really really close to her but she was family and I did love her. I don't even get that stomach turning feeling when I see her picture or I think about the last time I saw her. It's like I completely forget and I go about my day as usual. I'm not feeling entirely numb either cos I still have feelings about everything else, except the loss of my aunt.

Idk I think I need some reassurance or similar stories because I don't understand how I can feel nothing when I just lost a family member. I feel like I'm selfish for not caring, I can barely offer comfort and I don't even want to because I don't feel anything. I look at my mum crying and I know she's sad but it's like I don't understand it.