Just venting.


Wasn't really sure where to put this

but I really need a place to vent

so I'm a mother of one , I've been married to my new husband 2 years TTC probably two-and-a-half to 3 years never once a faint positive test, I'm so tired of thinking on this could be the month I'm late like almost week I get my Hope's up 😢, But NOPE AF Shows up I'm close to forty , I have PCOS I feel my biological clock just ticking away big possibility of having to face a hysterectomy not many people know this. So my husband and I decided that we were going to try the road to fostering, WELL WE GOT A BIG FAT DENIAL TODAY , it just seems like my dreams are being shattered , does anybody else feel like this. Just giving up on your dreams of ever having another ? 😢😢

Don't get me wrong I'm so grateful to been able to have my son because I know there's some that would love just to have one , I'm not trying to be selfish it would just be great to being able to share this wonderful gift with my husband . Does anyone ever feel like this ?????