Labour techniques


I had my second to last midwife app today. My due date is in 9days and I got told today that where I live, they don’t offer epidurals(crazy I know) but I was already very anxious about labour, but now I’m 10 times more anxious about it. They do offer gas and air and dia morphine(I think it’s that) but I feel like I won’t respond well to them. I did want to try and have as natural as possible but I knew that if it got too much I could have the epidural. I did ask for a water birth and unfortunately the birthing pool is unavailable(renovating the pool). They did say they have a big bath I can use but I feel like it won’t be the same. Im angry the fact they never told me sooner because it was comforting knowing the epidural was there. Don’t really want a c-section as I would have to be put under anaesthetic. Anyway, does anybody have any tips or tricks to help with the pain? Much appreciated!😊