Should my dad go to fiancé’s bachelor party?


So my dad and fiancé have a really good relationship. My dad is very young at heart so is always up for drinking (he still even goes to clubs). I kinda jokingly told my fiancé is my dad going and he said he didn’t mind. My fiancé’s best man is getting the guest list for the party and was surprised when he gave him my dad’s contact info. He was like her dad’s going?? Father in laws aren’t usually invited. According to him. My fiancé doesn’t mind but idk if his friends would think I’m “controlling” cause I want my dad there. And idk if he will feel like he can’t let loose if he’s there. I told him idc if he doesn’t want him there and he keeps insisting it’s fine. Should I tell my dad to sit this one out? Or is it normal to have the brides dad at the bachelor party?