Cant stop crying 😭

I started with really bad pain today at work started peeing blood and I haven’t stopped the pain got worse so did

The fever, I gave in and went to the hospital, I get here they give me Tylenol for the pain, am Crying in pain they don’t even look at me or come in and check on me I don’t know why, after 2 hours I ask for help just to get yelled at by the doctor saying all Mexicans just want narcotics, that she couldn’t give me anything stronger at all, cuz peeing blood is normal maybe just some ibuprofen if I wanted some. I just wanna leave they aren’t helping I’ve been here for so long and the pain is getting worse and Worse. My doctor cant see me till Friday the earliest am lost I don’t know what to do and my husband isn’t helping much just telling me every damn hour that goes by making me feel worse and worse I just needed to vent sorry