Anyone else find it inappropriate to post photos of their baby’s butts online?

It blows my mind when people post picture of their small children’s butt, or photos of them in the bath, or photos of them that include their genitals when they’re first born. Anyone else?

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Posted at
Why are you sexualizing children? That's what I wanna know.


Be • Jan 29, 2019
Idk if that’s what she intended to do. The way I read it is out of concern because OTHERS do. More of a “would you risk it” type of thing


Lulupie • Jan 29, 2019
It's not about sexualizing babies. It's a safety concern for me, there are so many sick people out there.


Hannah 👼🏼👦🏽👶🏽 • Jan 29, 2019
There are so many perverted people out there. It’s worrisome


Posted at
I find it to be inappropriate and it has nothing to do with sexualizing children. I have photos of my kids when they were born and phots of them in the bath but I won’t post them bc their private parts don’t belong on the internet. If I wouldn’t post it of myself, then I won’t post it of them.


🧸𝕿𝖆𝖒𝖆𝖞𝖗𝖆🧸 • Jan 29, 2019
Exactly. You wouldn’t post a naked picture of yourself but it’s okay for your child. I always found it weird to post bath pictures online.


Bold & Brash • Jan 29, 2019
Yeah I was thinking the same thing! The lady above was talking about specializing them but I get why its inappropriate


Posted at
Yea but not because it's sexual *it isn't* but because of all the creeps out there...😔Also it might be embarrassing for the kids when they get older lol


Posted at
Not inappropriate, just unnecessary. I keep those photos to myself and family, no need for the whole world to see them


Posted at
She’s not sexualizing children. She’s pointing out that others do. Just be weary of who’s on your pages 🤷🏽‍♀️
She’s not sexualizing children. She’s pointing out that others do. Just be weary of who’s on your pages 🤷🏽‍♀️


manda • Jan 29, 2019
My thoughts too. Funny how everyone jumps to assume she’s sexualizing them just for asking if it was inappropriate. Inappropriate and sexual do not have the same meaning.


Posted at
No one in this thread is sexualizing children. But there are creeps who do and they can get to photos that are on social media ie basically in public. Then again it’s not all that common, but there’s a possibility. When I become a mom, I would not be comfortable putting any more than a couple pictures of my kids on Social.


Posted at
It doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t see what is wrong with it. Anyone looking at it and seeing something dirty has their own hang ups about the human body to deal with


Lex • Jan 29, 2019
Referencing a baby. A child that has autonomy and can say yes or no I wouldn’t say that was ok


Posted at
I do not really see butts as a big deal. Genitals is different to me. 🤷‍♀️


Posted at
I don’t see it as sexualizing a child. As a society we have deemed those areas to be “private” parts. I think posting anyones private parts without their permission isn’t right. They may be YOUR child but it’s not YOUR private parts to display for others to see.


Posted at
I don’t really care 🤷🏻‍♀️