You should really click.


So photoshop is a big thing. Not being comfortable with your body image or how you look is common. Most people, including myself, have body image or body confidence issues. I want to show you how fake photo shop really makes you look though. It may make you look prettier, but you are already beautiful and editing some pixels isn’t going to change your reality. Lying on social media isn’t just lying to your followers, it’s lying to yourself. Confidence is hard to obtain but you deserve it because you are worth it. You are beautiful inside and out. Don’t waste time editing for likes. Waste time staring at the stars or buying pads bc periods suck.

So my example. This is with photoshop:

And this is without:

As you can see only a few things were changed. A filter was added and teeth whitening. I skimmed my neck and added some touch ups to my face. Added some fake makeup and additional things. All of which is unnecessary in the grand scheme of things, because I look how I look and that’s just that. No I don’t have muscle. Why am I holding a weight? I have no idea.

So please join in on this body confidence post. Please feel free to post and/or share your stories and pictures about your experiences with and without photoshop. Also if you want to leave comments about how you have overcome any body image disorders, or maybe you are struggling and need a support system. We are here for you.

Much love, Amanda Brooke💕