Get out already!

Lindsey • Wife | Stepmom | FTM Jan 2019 | 2nd baby Dec 2020

Currently 41+3. Been at the hospital since 6 pm last night. I was only 1cm, 40% effaced, and her head was super high “in Canada” according to the nurses. Currently 10:20 pm and 4cm at 70% effaced and she is a -2. I’m sure she will come by tomorrow but geez I thought she might not be a January baby at his point! Was on cervadil but now on pitocin and got the epidural. I knew the contractions would be intense but I didn’t know they would start off one right after the other. I thought it would be spaced out like natural birth. Enjoying the epidural. Congrats to everyone who already had their amazing babies! Wish me luck!

I’m soooo hungry right now. Haven’t eaten for 25.5 hours. My last meal was tempura, California rolls, and bread pudding. Couldn’t eat any of the miso soup or salad or rice. Regretting not stuffing it all in there lol.