Porn during sex

Tonight my husband and I had sex and we started by having me give him oral. He asked me if it was ok for him to watch porn on his phone. I was happy he asked instead of him just doing it without me knowing. I said it was ok and he seemed turned on by me even more when i gave him the ok. As he was watching he got real hard real quick. I was turned on and so surprised. He hasn't gotten stiff like that in a while. We've been married for 9.5 years. I stayed a virgin until marriage. I asked him before he started watching if he wasn't turned on by me anymore. He said he is turned on by me, but he said he felt like watching porn while I was pleasuring him. I guess it was something he wanted to do for a while because we used to do that when we were newlyweds. We had to stop doing it when our first child was born. She's 8 now. At the time we could only watch porn on tv which was why we had to stop after our daughter was born. Now he can just watch it on his phone. I didn't feel self conscious before when we used to watch it during sex, but now...idk. I almost forgot that we used to do that. It made him rock hard real quick which is great, but I'm sad that I don't get him hard quick like that anymore. He had a huge orgasm which was a real turn on for me. Seeing his face during climax. I was just sad that part of that was because of the porn and not from me 100%. I was wearing something sexy for him too and he really liked it. A couple of times in the past he would have trouble getting it up. I'm about to be 29 and he just turned 38. Is watching porn during sex a way for men to help with E.D.? Is it normal for me to feel insecure about it since we used to do that before? After sex I asked him if he would watch porn on his phone before when I would go down on him. He said he didn't. Sorry. This post is all over the place. I'm confused with how I feel about this. Our sex life is amazing don't get me wrong. We make each other climax all the time. I'm just not sure if watching porn during sex will become an addiction for him or not. *Sigh* idk. I asked him before he went to sleep if he can always ask me if he has that arousal to watch porn during sex. He said he will. I then told him that I might not want to have porn on when we're having sex. He said ok. What do you all think? Do any of you have your man watch porn while having sex? Is it a kink that some guys like?


the sound was off on the porn he was watching. He wanted to hear me, not the porn. I think it's a weird kind of kink my husband has. Probably other guys have this kink too. The porno he was watching was of a girl giving a bj to a guy. So he was watching that while I was giving him a bj. He loves when I give him a bj. I deep throat, lick and play with his ball sack and I touch the space between his ball sack and anus (I forgot the name of that spot). So, idk. I guess it's just something he wanted to do again since we didn't do it in a while. Also, I've been letting him know my sexual desires lately. So I guess because of that, he felt comfortable to ask me because it was a sexual desire for him to watch porn during sex again.

I would still appreciate any thoughts from you guys. Thank you.


So my husband and I had sex again last night. I was looking real good for him as always. He couldn't keep his hands or eyes off of me. Needless to say, sex was amazing last night. No porn what so ever. He didn't even say anything about porn. I'm feeling a lot better about it now and I feel more confident and comfortable with myself after last night and after reading a lot of your comments. I guess he really had this desire to watch porn last time, but now I see it's not something he's going to want to do all the time which is making me feel really good